Dear St. Joseph Families,

Progress Reports come out on Wednesday. This usually serves as a call to action for many parents. It either means that we affirm the job well done on the start of the school year for our children, or it means we need to change strategies and adapt so that our child may be successful for the remainder of the 9 Weeks. It is also a very helpful tool for teachers as well. As you hear me from time to time, regular communication with your child’s teacher is important. If your child’s grades are not reflecting what he or she has proven to be capable of, it is important to begin a conversation with the teachers. They may be able to give insight to what is happening, if they have not done so already.

Communication with the school for the good of the student must be effective. I ask that parents avoid multiple communications in a single day. Other schools may have the philosophy of answering a message or email the moment it comes in. I believe the priority of an effective teacher is to form and educate the child in the classroom with minimal interruptions. Our teachers are expected to communicate with you within a day’s time and when it is most convenient. Many will communicate during planning period times or at the end of the school day.

When communication for the sake of a student must be in depth, it is important to schedule a phone or in-person conference. Dropping in is never a good idea since a teacher may be rushed to different responsibilities and may not be able to provide you with the details and the courtesy that you need at the time. If is our aim to meet the need of students that is within the realm of our abilities. Effective communication between home and school is very important. When progress reports come home, please attempt to make a plan of action for the rest of the 9 weeks. St. Joseph, pray for us.


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