Principal’s Message
Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic School and thank you for interest in our wonderful school. For the last seventy years, St. Joseph Catholic School has faithfully served the Shreveport-Bossier area by offering an amazing academic experience in Catholic education. We provide a valuable faith and academic development program for children in pre-K through eighth grade. Through the efforts of our loving, enthusiastic, and highly qualified faculty, our students are formed in the Catholic tradition, being formed in their faith in Christ allowing them to flourish in their academic experience.
As a father of four children, it is imperative for my own children to be loved, nurtured, motivated, and allowed to flourish with the values of the Gospel while encouraged to pursue excellence in all of their academic endeavors. I share the desire for such excellence for all of our students and I know you will come to such a realization for your own children when they are enrolled at St. Joseph Catholic School.
I ask that you not simply take my word. I invite you to visit the rest of our website as well as our campus by scheduling a tour. You will find that when you encounter those who serve the community as educators and the students who receive a valuable education at St. Joseph Catholic School to be filled with a joy that can only be found in such an environment that distinguishes itself by maintaining standards in faith development and academic excellence. I invite you to join the St. Joseph family today.
In Christ,
H. Clayton Cobb
Our Values
Our Mission
It is the mission of St. Joseph Catholic School to provide an authentically Catholic education directed towards academic excellence and the formation of each child in the virtues of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
The vision of St. Joseph Catholic School is to provide a religious and academic education that prepares students to become responsible members of their family, Church, and community.
Our Philosophy
In accordance with the mission of the Catholic Diocese of Shreveport and of St. Joseph Parish, our school is a vibrant Christian community where students are encouraged and supported to reach their full potential spiritually, intellectually, aesthetically, emotionally, socially and physically.
St. Joseph Catholic School recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their children, and we view the school as an extension of the family. It is the school’s responsibility to help educate the child in a Christian environment. We recognize that each child has individual gifts and needs. Through a carefully planned curriculum and qualified staff, we help to develop these gifts and meet the needs of every child.
As a Catholic school we support the teachings of the Roman Catholic Bishops of the United States in their pastoral letter, “To Teach as Jesus Did.” That is, education of the young is fundamentally the responsibility of the home. Thus, it is the function of the school to complement, to reinforce, and to extend the Christian development begun within the home:
- Through communication between home and school regarding the progress of students and the expectations of parents and school.
- Through staff awareness of the obligation to remain abreast of current trends in education.
- Through challenges, which encourage students to continue their development beyond the boundaries of home and school.
- By providing an atmosphere in which faith is fostered through liturgies, religion classes, and visible signs of faith such as the crucifix and other religious symbols.
- By cultivating through word and example a respect for the person, rights, and properties of others and a respect for the religious beliefs of others.
- By encouraging everyone to greater love by cultivating a greater acceptance of one another; by community solidarity; and by lasting friendships.
- By meeting our individual responsibilities with maturity that elicits trust.
- By offering as wide a variety of choices as reasonably possible.
- By individual and group guidance in relating consequences to choices.
- By making available to the student a range of academic and extracurricular choices so as to allow every student an opportunity for growth.
We accept as a basic reality that in a Christian center of learning, rights bring responsibilities. As responsibility develops, it calls for choices, which should encourage good and reflective decision-making. Respect for and trust in one another is the basis from which an active sense of responsibility grows. Because students have varying needs and learning abilities, we endeavor to offer a variety of experiences both inside and outside the classroom in order to help them realize their potential.
St. Joseph Parish was founded February 25, 1949 by the Most Reverend Charles P. Greco, Bishop of the Diocese of Shreveport. The Parish’s first pastor, Fr. Joseph B. Gremillon, and parishioners recognized the need for a school and their plans were put in action with the breaking of ground for the original school building (now elementary school hall) on May 1, 1950. St. Joseph Catholic School opened its doors for the first time in September 1951, surrounded by the expanding Broadmoor neighborhood. Since that day, our school has grown from five classrooms, four teachers and 102 students, to its current size of thirty-plus classrooms and nearly 400 students. In 1957, the middle school building was built next to the original building just in time for the first graduating class of 20 students.
The Sisters of the Order of Divine Providence served St. Joseph Catholic School from its opening in 1951 until 1976. The Sisters had a reputation as educators- The Mother House of the Sisters was located in San Antonio, Texas, also home to Lady of the Lake College, founded by their Order. They were later reassigned from St. Joseph School to other areas served by their Order.
Principals to serve St. Joseph Catholic School from the Order of Divine Providence were Sister Theonilla (1951-1957), Sister Bernard Marie (1957-1963), Sister Virginia Claire (1963-1964), Sister Leone Therese (1964-1967), and Sister Rita Louise (1967-1975). In 1976, Glenna Arnold took over as the first layperson to serve as principal.
Today, St. Joseph Catholic School proudly continues its tradition of academic excellence by offering a rigorous curriculum that allows middle school students to receive 2 Carnegie Units in Algebra I and Spanish. St. Joseph partners with Loyola College Prep School to provide two additional Carnegie Units in World Geography and Health. Students participate in weekly Mass and begin each day with the school prayer, the school vision statement and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Over the past 70 years, thousands of students have spent their formative years walking the halls of St. Joseph Catholic School, learning the importance of the vision of St. Joseph Catholic School: To become responsible members of family, Church and community. Our students have gone on to many successful careers- doctors, lawyers, business owners, but all leave the halls of St. Joseph with a strong Catholic foundation, and an appreciation for their school and church.
SJS Community
St. Joseph Catholic School operates as part of the mission of St. Joseph Catholic Church, one of the largest faith communities in the Shreveport area. The SJS community keeps in mind the words of Christ who says, “The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” It is our responsibility to form our students with the ideals of the faith, taught to us by Christ, our first teacher. It is our calling, then, to serve the local community in a spirit of Christian compassion and fervor that Christ may be known to all through not simply our words, but through our actions as well.
Our middle school is required to fulfill a set number of service hours for each grade, with a particular focus of preparing our eighth grade students for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Students also have the opportunity to participate in several fundraising activities through our school for the benefit of different charitable organizations within our local community suchs as: Mary’s House, St. Vincent dePaul Society, and Providence House. We also allow for our families to reflect the same calling of commitment to Christian service by participating in several service activities through our Parent Teacher Organization with activities that benefit our students and school community throughout the school year.
School Council
The St. Joseph Catholic School Council is a consultative council invited by the Bishop of the Diocese of Shreveport to support and advance the Catholic identity and education at St. Joseph Catholic School.
It is the purpose of the School Council to support and advance the mission of St. Joseph Catholic School; that is, “to nurture students to be living examples of the teachings of Jesus Christ of the Roman Catholic Church in an atmosphere of academic excellence.”
The School Council operates only in an advisory capacity to the Pastor and the Principal. The functions of the Council shall include consulting and leading committees in the following areas:
- Faith Formation
- Strategic Planning
- Institutional Advancement
- Public Relations/Marketing
- Finances
- Facilities
- Policy
Contact the SJS School Council with any questions and concerns at
Contact Us
St. Joseph Catholic School
1210 Anniston Avenue
Shreveport, Louisiana 71105
Phone: 318-865-3585
Fax: 318-868-1859
Faculty and Staff
We have an amazing faculty at SJS!
St. Joseph Catholic School wishes to keep track of the legacy of the members of our community. It is our goal to continue the success of our school with a healthy relationship with our alumni, now and in the future. Many students have attended St. Joseph’s since it was first established in 1951. St. Joseph, a school who has consistently strived for excellence in Catholic education, continues to provide a strong foundation for a successful and rewarding life for many of our students over the years.
Alumni now have the opportunity to remain active as part of the school family. Through a donation to St Joseph Catholic school, alumni can always help to enhance the professional, technical, and physical resources of the school. Your support as alumni can help ensure the education our students deserve and further your legacy as an SJS Falcon, providing an opportunity for success for future students as well. Sign up today in order to promote the future of St. Joseph Catholic School.
Thank you for your interest in joining the St. Joseph Catholic School Family! To submit an application, click “Application Form” below and fill in all fields.
- Practicing Roman Catholics
- Candidates with Louisiana State certification in Education
- Those with a Master’s degree in education or their chosen field.

Candidates who meet the requirements should submit the following documents:
- The teacher employment application.
- Attach a cover letter, which should be no more than 500 words. It should address what makes you a good candidate to serve as a teacher in a Catholic school and what is your primary motivation for applying for this opportunity. It should describe your teaching style, including classroom management, planning and delivery of instruction, and assessment.
- Attach a current resume that includes education as well as work experience.
Employment Opportunities
You can apply by clicking the button below or submitting your resume and cover letter (optional) to Call the school office at 318-865-3585 for more information and specific job openings.
For current opportunities at the Diocese of Shreveport please click the button below to be redirected to their current vacancies.