Dear SJS Families, I feel like it has been some time since we have addressed COVID concerns but it is quite important that we do. We will remain for in-person instruction and use virtual learning as a tool for students required to quarantine, whether it be the 10 or 14 days. As always, it is important to communicate regarding a positive diagnosis or expo-sure to the virus. 

We will continue to observe the following: -Masks will be worn by all adults and students in grades 3-8 while indoors or when social distancing is not possible. Younger students are strongly encouraged to wear a mask– especially in non-static areas. -Mr. Eric and the faculty will continue to clean and disin-fect surfaces throughout the day. Mr. Eric regularly disin-fects all classrooms with an ultra fine mist. This is done before each school day and when students are not around. -Every person is required to have clean hands in and out classrooms, the cafeteria, and restrooms. -We will continue to advise students and others to ob-serve social distancing at all times. No matter how much “Covid Fatigue” we experience, it is imperative that we not become complacent with the pol-icies and practices. No doubt the experience can be frustrating, but it is a matter of communal responsibility to maintain a healthy and safe environment in order to keep in-person learning an option. I ask that you continue to keep the school community– faculty, staff, students, and every SJS family in your prayers. Let us pray that we remain safe and healthy. Finally, let me express my gratitude to you, the parents of this school. You sacrifice so much already to provide your child with an excellent Catholic education. It is also a sacrifice to endure such trials. Thank you for choosing to do what is necessary and persevering. I cannot think of a better example to provide for your children.