Parent-Teacher Conferences will be virtual this year on Friday, October 23rd. A paper copy of the schedule will go home soon. We must stick to the times assigned so that all families may have the opportunity to visit with the teachers.

During the meeting, you will be able to discuss how your child performed during the First 9 Weeks and see how the student may work to either improve or maintain the level of success you expect of them. If additional time is needed, please set up a follow-up meeting 


Dear Parents, as we begin the 2nd 9 Weeks, students from Loyola National Honors Society will provide tutor-ing to our students, free of charge, every Tuesday and Thursday, beginning on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 


Academics must serve as the priority in the life of a school, along with faith formation and healthy social living. Any opportunity for our students that is provided in order for them to succeed, we should certainly take advantage of this. Encourage your children to take advantage of tutoring being offered. 

Tutoring is normally for students in grades 2-8, and may be available for students in first grade upon request. NOTE: this is not a time set up for students to complete their homework (though that may happen). This is a time for students to receive extra assistance. Many teachers offer assistance to their students as well. Please check with your child’s teacher if tutoring is available for them.