Falcon News, February 24, 2025

Dear St. Joseph Families, Our school was blessed to have another great visit from Lance Thompson and Dream Big! The message is always positive, inspiring, and an opportunity for someone outside of the community to witness to our students. We are grateful to community sponsors such as Dilla’s Quesadillas and Sterling Dental who sponsored the [...]

Falcon News, February 18, 2025

Dear St. Joseph Families, It is always a blessing to experience grandparents day with our community. I wish to extend a big thank you to our PTO for helping make this event a blessing to our grandparents. Breakfast was certainly a hit! Whether they drove 10 minutes or 10 hours, they were happy to be [...]

Falcon News, February 10, 2025

Dear St. Joseph Families, As you can see with the notification, we are currently enrolling for the the 2025-26 school year. It is important to begin the process to secure your child’s spot for the upcoming school year. This also tells us how many teachers we need in place. Please remember that when you register, [...]

Falcon News, February 3, 2025

Dear St. Joseph Families, First, we need to take a moment and express an enormous amount of gratitude towards our PTO for putting together such an extraordinary event on Saturday. While this is a fun time for our parents and partners in education, the key to the event’s success is realizing that it is to [...]

Falcon News, January 27, 2025

Dear St. Joseph Families, Welcome to Catholic Schools Week! This is an annual celebration of different activities that celebrate different aspects of Catholic education and our Catholic community. While our school was founded as part of the original mission of our parish back in 1951 under the direction of Bishop Charles Greco and Fr. Joseph [...]

Falcon News, January 21, 2025

Dear St. Joseph Families, Happy Tuesday, Falcons! 9.5 inches of snow in Lafayette and here we are, enjoying the sunshine and clear skies. We missed enough due to snow days the last few years. Let South Louisiana have their turn! Our PTO has sponsored a number of activities lately. On behalf of the PTO and [...]

Falcon News, January 13, 2025

Dear St. Joseph Families, Well wasn’t that an interesting first week back?! While there are varying opinions on weather days, we are certainly happy that all of our families were able to return safely to school on Monday morning. It is a warmer week but we have heard that next week will be another encounter [...]

Falcon News, January 6, 2025

Dear St. Joseph Families, Welcome to 2025! This year almost seems like something that we once heard in sci-fi movies when we were going up with flying cars and in-home robots. We’re not exactly there but not far off either! It appears that 2025 is off to a difficult start for some. Let us pray [...]

Falcon News, December 16, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, This is the last edition of the Falcon News of 2024. Christmas is right around the corner. Yes, you read that correctly. Christmas break is upon us. With this in mind, I would like o take a moment to express my gratitude for a number things from this semester. First, I [...]

Pancakes with Santa 2024

Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed our Pancakes with Santa event this year! Click here to download your pictures with Santa! Link will expire January 6, 2025

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