Falcon News, January 29, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Happy Catholic Schools Week! This is an annual event where we celebrate all aspects of our Catholic school, founded almost 75 years ago to meet the educational and formation needs of those looking for such an experience. No doubt, Fr. Joseph Gremillion, our founder, would be quite proud of those young [...]

Falcon News, January 22, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Catholic Schools Week is NEXT WEEK! Each year, we take time especially highlight the things that speak to our Catholic Identity. The most essential aspects highlighted during Catholic Schools Week are are our students and Christ. Plain and simple, you cannot have a school without students. St. Joseph Catholic School was [...]

Falcon News, January 8, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Happy New Year! I am sure everyone had a most enjoyable Christmas break with their families. It is now time to get ready for the second half of the year. Often times, when returning from the break, students get into a so-called “funk.” They may have done very well the first [...]

Falcon News, December 18, 2023

Dear St. Joseph Families, Joy is a very small word to describe an enormous gift. The gift of joy for this week hopefully fills the hearts of the students. I know they had so much fun today dressing up in pajamas, drinking hot chocolate, and watching a Christmas movie with a good message. THANK YOU [...]

Falcon News, December 11, 2023

Dear St. Joseph Families, We have certainly experienced a fair share of celebrating St. Nicholas so far in the month of December. If you know anything about our incredible saint, it is is that he sought to meet the needs of others, especially young children. This is why so many events such as these happen [...]

Falcon News, December 4, 2023

Dear St. Joseph Families, As you can see in the Upcoming Events column, there are some special activities taking place within the life of the school. Many of these activities should draw us to praying for our students. Tuesday is a big day for students in 5th and 8th grade as they are competing in [...]

Falcon News, November 27, 2023

Dear St. Joseph Families, They say that this time between the Thanksgiving and Christmas are quite the holiday grind. In between our visits with our families, shopping, dinners, parties, we feel anxious and stressed because there is so much to do and so little time to do it in. In the midst of all of [...]

Falcon News, November 13, 2023

Dear St. Joseph Families, Thanksgiving. It is an expression of gratitude, especially to God. Often times, we treat prayer as though it is our check-in when things are going tough or when we are dealing with a crisis. We have that right to bring our needs and our concerns to our dear Lord. What parent [...]

Falcon News, November 6, 2023

Dear St. Joseph Families, School spirit come out in many different ways. Some of us make every basketball game possible (Go Lady Falcons!). Some are here making themselves available to substitute teach. Many parents make sure to have their children here on time for special events that happen on the weekends. So many make time [...]

Falcon News, October 30, 2023

Dear St. Joseph Families, There are some important ecclesiastical and secular holidays coming up. We begin the month of November with All Saints, immediately followed by the feast of All Souls. Soon afterwards, we will have Veterans Day, and we will conclude the month’s holidays with Thanksgiving. All seem to focus on blessings in our [...]

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