Falcon News, August 26, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, The SJS Parent-Student Handbook was sent out over the summer, emphasizing the importance of parents reading the document so that there are clear expectations for each year. Please be sure to take time to do so. I ask that parents take time to read the attendance policies. To help parents keep [...]

Falcon News, August 19, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Communication is a critical matter. We want to know what is going on with our kids at all times. If you’re like me, you’re checking out that little purple app to make sure you know where they are. Additionally, the school has a number of channels to communicate regarding your child’s [...]

Falcon News, August 12, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Get involved! St. Joseph Catholic School is a family- a falcon family! It is common at Catholic schools to find ways to plug in where your gifts and talents may be utilized. Did you know that if you are interested that you can serve as a substitute teacher? Go to our [...]

Falcon News, August 8. 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Welcome to the first day of school! This document is our weekly newsletter. It goes out the first day of every school week. Families are encouraged to read the document weekly. Today, we began the 73rd school year to 314 students! This total also represents 213 families. Again, we so very [...]

Falcon News, May 20, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, While I want to send a farewell message to all of our families to wish you all a farewell for the summer, I know we will see you at the pool, the parks, at Mass, and at camps. I’d like to take a moment to communicate with you about some very, [...]

Falcon News, May 13, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, When we reach the end of the year, we seem to lose track or lose focus on things. Let us not be distracted. Let us be focused and motivated until the very end. Please allow this week’s post to serve as reminders for important information. REPORT CARDS: For the 4th 9 [...]

Falcon News, May 6, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! You know, some teachers are like second moms or dads, from whom students experience all the warm fuzzies. I think fondly of my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Granger. Without an aide and 26 kids, she wiped every nose, tear, and bobo. She let you always pick the book [...]

Falcon News, April 30, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Tomorrow is the month of May and we begin the countdown to summer. Still, our focus is to do our best each and every day in the classroom, as student and teachers, ensuring that formation and education are taking place. Please be sure that students are at school on time for [...]

Falcon News, April 22, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, 99% of the SJS population did a great job in having students arrive to school on time, ready to take their tests! We appreciate the effort put forth by all parents to ensure that this was done. Reminder that we will be testing all week in the mornings. Special note: MASS [...]

Falcon News, April 15, 2024

Dear St. Joseph Families, Parent involvement is an important part of a thriving school community. It is without a doubt that our SJS PTO invests a lot of time and energy to make the school a great place. Our leadership has overseen fundraisers for the benefit of our playground with many exciting additions to come. [...]

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